Final Version–Entering the Ice Troll Cave

I wanted to share the final version of Del’s art for the party entering the Ice Troll Cave. The more I type that out, the more I want a real name for the adventure… will come to me. But check it out!!!:

I love how it came together. The dark inks remind me of the art in the old school first edition D&D books. I know most newer gamers like the colored fancy art, but the black and white brings back nostalgia for me.

Anyways, back to editing. I have finished Winter’s Grasp and we are starting to get some art in for that by Eric Hunt, which is looking pretty sweet. And I’m about 95% of the way finished with Ice Needles of the Cryoptera, but I’ve decided to add another level to the dungeon, so going to bust that out. Also going to use ScorpyDesign for the art in that adventure. Once Ice Needles is done with editing and new areas, I’ll do some thorough editing through Ice Trolls and we will be good to go.

The Coming of Winter–Ice Troll Cave

I always get excited when it’s time to hire an artist and to go into layout mode. I’ve been struggling with a new layout program, which hasn’t been fun as I’m fully self-taught and still learning, but I’m starting to get the hang of things. Anyways….if you haven’t heard, we are getting organized to launch a Kickstarter soon–more than likely in October. It’s called The Coming of Winter and will have 3 adventures with a winter theme wrapped into one! These adventures are located in the Dragonback Mountains and near the town of Coppercore–which will be coming out soon. In fact, the Coming of Winter was a part of Coppercore, but its got so big, we decided to split it up a bit so that we can try to get some decent art for it and let it see the light of day.

So we are now wrapping up Winter’s Grasp, Ice Needles of the Cryoptera, and Ice Troll Cave–which admittedly, probably needs a new name. Ice Needles and Ice Troll cave are two adventures I wrote back in 2017 or 2018? I had a Patreon back then and still appreciate the people who supported me. The problem was I wrote them in a month, so they were rusty and quick–but still useable, just not perfect… I’ve had time to edit them and Jonbar and I have brainstormed up some additional sections/levels/monsters for these adventures and made them longer and better! I’m excited to publish these two adventures so that more people can enjoy them in their games. Jonbar has ran us through Winter’s Grasp adventure several times over the years and it was a great challenge when I had a character in it.

But let’s get back to the art….And when I talk about getting ‘decent art’….I’m talking of the likes of Del Teigeler. He has the assignment of the adventure delving into the deeps of a ice troll cave that has some other mysteries located within. We have 2 other artists in mind, each with their own adventure. For the ice troll adventure, I wanted Del to use the same group of characters throughout the adventure. I thought I would share some of the concept art so far….

I love that he added the mule/donkey–ours always die when we bring one on an adventure. I gave Del some rough ideas of what I was thinking and wrote out some assignments and let him run with it for a bit. This is truly one of my favorite parts and I can’t say enough how jealous I am of an artist’s skill. I wish I had the patience to learn and practice the skill.

I love his style of artwork–even just this concept art. He is one of my go-to artists when I need a combat scene or an action shot.

I told him that I didn’t care if some of the characters died or not. So now I’m curious as this small group delves in and tangles with the ice trolls and the new second level (A Mountain Tiger Clan burial crypt) and see who will die, who will survive…and who will get all the glory!!

Will try to grease the wheels on this new website and blog and put out some updates and/or share some cool art. Pretty focused on the Coming of Winter, but we also have some other projects by Prince and Edgewise coming down the pike as well so keep your eyes open.

And this is a piece that will be in the Coming of Winter–and right now he still labels it as ‘concept’ art–so I’m getting pumped to see the final version.

If you want to hire Del Teigeler, you can reach him on his website (and check out his other artwork): Del’s Website I highly recommend him–he is easy to work with and his prices are very reasonable!

We are always looking for new artists to collaborate with. Who are you favorites?


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