Published Wares

Hello traveler! Our humble merchant’s stall has a broad assortment of fantastical adventures available. Feel free to look over our trinkets below and see what suits your fancy!


Summaries and reviews of available DnD Modules can be found by clicking the thumbnail here.

A majority of our wares are designed around OSR rulesets; however, modules such as The Ascent of the Leviathan and The Covey do have 5e modules available for the new-school crowd to try!


Who has free module samples, we have free module samples! The following three adventures are downloadable free of charge from their respective links. Each of them were placed in separate contests; so, more than anything they hold a special place in the collection because of the restrictions that they were based around (those restrictions noted below).

Module Gallery

Community Reviews

The situation is fun, interesting, and is something that it is uncommon. And fun IS the reason for playing D&D. So, suck it up and take a Best … because a good idea is still a good idea in Brycelandia.

The Chest
…small adventure blows whole lines of adventures out of the water without even trying. It presents a module that is super easy to integrate into any campaign; it is clever, features a unique reward, is VERY inexpensive considering the quality provided, and it’s not boring. It is a genuinely creative, cool adventure

The Red Prophet Rises
The dichotomy of adventure writing is that you get to ignore ALL sense of grammar and style in order to convey the sense of the place … but it has to be perfectly organized to allow the DM to easily run it at the table. This adventure does that.

Trollback Keep
In a way, Trollback Keep thus constitutes a good and honest classic fantasy module will a slightly dark tint regarding the primary antagonists. This module executes its themes surprisingly well, and makes for a pretty impressive adventure.