Final Version–Entering the Ice Troll Cave

I wanted to share the final version of Del’s art for the party entering the Ice Troll Cave. The more I type that out, the more I want a real name for the adventure… will come to me. But check it out!!!:

I love how it came together. The dark inks remind me of the art in the old school first edition D&D books. I know most newer gamers like the colored fancy art, but the black and white brings back nostalgia for me.

Anyways, back to editing. I have finished Winter’s Grasp and we are starting to get some art in for that by Eric Hunt, which is looking pretty sweet. And I’m about 95% of the way finished with Ice Needles of the Cryoptera, but I’ve decided to add another level to the dungeon, so going to bust that out. Also going to use ScorpyDesign for the art in that adventure. Once Ice Needles is done with editing and new areas, I’ll do some thorough editing through Ice Trolls and we will be good to go.