
We are but humble merchants who have traveled across the vast highway of the internet. We have found sanctuary upon this bustling thoroughfare and after much rejoicing, debate, and adventure, have decided to settle upon it. Ending up here, in this cozy space you find yourself.

We love to share our tales of glory and intrigue to all through this small establishment in the corner of the world. So please, we invite you to visit and stay a while. To peruse our stories and listen to our merchandise of course…!

The Merciless Merchants

Check out the ‘Published Wares’ section to get a look at our DnD modules! We’d like to share a variety of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (2e) modules for oldschool DnD nerds, as well have them available for the 5th edition DnD crowd who want some inspiration to run at their table! We offer up our own set of optional ADnD / 2e rules to run, and have a couple of free 2e & 5e module samples if you want to check out the style of adventure modules we create.

Truly one and all if you’re a DnD dungeon master or player, we hope we can inspire you to shake up your gaming table with a variety of DnD adventures and rulesets that we’ve made!

Brief TMM History

From the depths of the late 70’s we crept out of the darkest of storm drains and into the harsh, baleful light of day. Since then we’ve cleverly integrated into human society and bide our time waiting for our master’s final calling…

Sorry, we’re really just a bunch of social delinquents who love to play with swords and sorcery in a fantasy TTRPG setting. Most of us are getting on in years and we thought “Hey, how ’bout we try selling some of the stuff we’ve made for beer money!?” And so as all good things that start in California, The Merciless Merchants were born in a garage… In truth, that is where a certain wife had banished our scaly hides.

For better or worse, we’ve been there ever since. Scheming, writing, and adventuring in the made up worlds of our own devising. Join us!

The content creators - methodically deliberating rules very slowly.
Malrex and Jonbar – “Deliberations”

Kind Words

When it comes down to it for me, great adventures really boil down to cool hooks and locations. That is what you get with the Merciless Merchants stuff. –Jeremy, at THOUGHTEATER

Aaron deserves praise for being a creative, driven guy and an awesome individual to work with. I can’t count on two hands the number of times he has encouraged, supported or heckled me into outdoing myself. –Prince of Nothing at Age of Dusk

Aaron Fairbrook’s small adventure blows whole lines of adventures out of the water without even trying.Endzeitgeist, at Paizo

Yeah they’re cool. You can tell they’re a couple of nerds who care about what they’re doing… (Am I getting bonus XP for saying this?) – Anonymous Module Tester on Jonbar and Malrex as Game Masters